Our investment pillars
Our investment philosophy is founded on a few core beliefs. By adhering to these, we believe we can help people become smarter, more confident investors.
Trust in market prices
Millions of institutions and private investors buy and sell every single day, bringing lots of real-time information into the market. This information helps to set prices, so it’s wise to embrace them.
Diversify more broadly
Simply diversifying within the UK is no longer enough. It’s now possible to invest in companies in many different countries, markets and sectors, and doing so will help reduce risk in your portfolio.
Look beyond the headlines
It’s easy to get caught up in daily market news and commentaries, particularly when they report uncertain messages. Look beyond the headlines and consider the source before any action.
Make rational choices
Don’t be led by your emotions when it comes to investing. The markets will always go up and down and responding in a reactive manner is likely to lead to poor decision-making.
The value of investments, and any income from them can go down as well as up. You may not get back as much as you put in.